How to Improve Your Consistency in CSGO 10 New Techniques to Try!!!

From E-Sport professionals to casual gamers, CS:GO has become a popular choice for gamers all around the globe. CS:GO is one of the best online competitive shooting games on the gaming market.

But CS:GO is not as easy as running, jumping, or shooting. To excel at it, a player needs to get a good command of certain complex skills and practice them again and again to refine them to become a complete player.

It is quite easy to learn the controls, but it takes ages to master them. Players need to learn utility line-ups, map call-outs, and several other helpful features to become CSGO champions.

To refine your skills, hard work and consistency, play a major role, which reflects in improved gameplay and high esteemed ranks. The more you practice, the better you get. This can be the difference between winning or getting your head torn apart. 

In this article, we have provided you some tips which would help you get better at this tempting game. A beginner can even use these tips to enhance his skills. A pro player might use it to overcome his weaknesses and get better in the game and become the ultimate CS: GO champion. 

What makes a player inconsistent in CSGO?

There are many reasons that are possible contenders for answering this question. The most common answer to this is because they are not good at it. Players don’t like to accept the fact that a lack of practice is acting as a hurdle to becoming the best in the game.

If you are having a bad day, sometimes that can reflect in your performance while you struggle to win rounds you were confident about.

The key to becoming a consistent player: is to have a good mindset without getting tilted and the ability to forget the poor matches and reset your mind to focus on the current one. This may sound simple, but it is hard when you put this to practical use. 

For this, try to play with the same group for some time, which will improve your experience. If you cannot arrange for that, try to calm your mind while playing against random players. If you find some good ones, add them so you can play with them in the future. You can also try out exciting weapon skins by following our guide from here.

You Had a Poor Start to a Match—How Do You Recover from It?

Sometimes your rounds start the way you are having a bad dream. Frags don’t click in the initial rounds, or you receive the pistol you wish you had never gotten; everything seems to go the wrong way for you, which affects your performance in the upcoming rounds.

If you want to have better numbers in CSGO or even want to improve in life, then you should always try to be optimistic about things. You should know when to hit that reset your mind button and start all over again in the next round.

Be Patient, it takes time to develop a mindset like this. Try to focus on one round at a time, give it your best shot, and try to clear your mind of things that have been: bothering you in the previous rounds.

This can be hard to put in place, but the results will be good once you master the art of self-control. 

More practical ways to improve consistency in CSGO?

The Best CSGO Weapon Skins to Buy in 2024!

Apart from all the mental aspects we discussed which hinder your consistency, there are some other points that you should keep in mind. Try to seek the perfect settings for you. 

Practice and tweak your settings until you discover the one you are most comfortable with, but don’t change it too often as the suggestion would backfire for you. 

It is also important to point out that CSGO is a game you should have fun playing while competing in it. So, get out there and start practicing!! 

Effective 10 Tips to Become Consistent Player 

Aim Placement 

The most fundamental aspect of being consistent in CSGO is aiming. You should know where to aim when you are wandering around on the map or entangled in difficult situations. 

This is different for both teams, i.e., Terrorist and Counter-Terrorists. Even a millisecond difference is enough to change the course of the game, thus it is crucial to maintain a correct crosshair placement. 

So now the question arises: how to practice that? You can create a game with only yourself on the map and try to aim and walk around the map for 15-20 minutes.

This is what the professionals call pre-aim. You should try to practice it to improve your response time and have a better gaming experience.

Master Core Weapons 

The thing that matters the most in CSGO is shooting. It takes a long time to master the recoil, controlling, tapping, and spraying of each weapon. So instead of trying to get a hand on everything, try to master the weapons you use the most.

Here is a weapon combination that is favorable for most of the players. You can try this combination if you are a beginner or don’t know where to begin from. 

  • Pistols: Five-Seven (CT), Tec-9 (T), P250 (Both)
  • Riffles: AK-47 (T), M4A4 or M4A1-S (CT)

These are viable in almost all stages of games, and if you master them, then that will make you a formidable opponent to go against, making you a more promising and consistent player.

3. Choose Between Burst, Auto, and Tap 

While this is not mandatory for sidearms like pistols, it is most vital when we talk about the primary weapons used in the game, i.e., rifles, whether an AK-47 or an M4A4. You should know when to spray bullets and when to use a single tap to deal with your enemies. 

Choosing between burst, auto, and we can consider tap modes in certain community maps and deathmatches where your choice plays a critical role in slaying your enemies. Yet, the most proper way to work upon this skill would be on a 5V5 setup, which is perfect for it. 

Orthodox methods suggest layers should choose to tap when facing a single enemy at mid-long range, but when they come close enough, it is advisable to adapt the spraying technique. If one faces a lot of enemies, then spraying would be the mode of operation.

4. Learning Map 

CSGO offers players the choice to play on any map they want to play on. You should be ready to exploit this feature and use it to your advantage.

Try playing out all the maps and observing which one you are most comfortable with. Then start practicing on the selected map and try to absorb everything it offers in your mind before attempting to do the same on the next map in CSGO.

With beginners, we would suggest you start with the following maps: 

  • Dust 2
  • Mirage
  • Inferno

These are the most common CSGO maps, and you have been playing on them since your teenage days, or they tempt you the most if you are still a teenager.

Try to master the callout, utility line-ups, pre-aim, and other components to give you an edge over others. 

Use Training Room for Practice 

As the saying goes, practice makes a man perfect. Use the training room to further improve your aim. Try to avoid competitive matchmaking if you are a beginner and focus on improving your aim in the initial days. 

They did not build Rome in a day, and neither did the top CSGO professionals gain skill in a single day.

 Practice is the key here. The more time you devote to the training room, the more reliable your aim gets.

Professional players have devoted countless hours to improving their weaknesses, and it has taken them to where they are today.

Weapon Selection on Situation 

Everyone has their favourite weapons. Many players prefer M4A4, M4A1, AK-47, or AWP, but you have to choose the weapon you are most comfortable with. You need to choose a weapon you can rely on.

Different situations lead to different ways one can use their weapon. For instance, medium or long-range shooting would require you to opt for snipers, but they prove ineffective in close combats.

We prefer shotguns for close fights, but they prove ineffective when dealing with long targets. Thus, different situations demand different weapons, and you must be familiar with using the right one if you want to have a chance of winning it all in CSGO.

Sound is the key: Listen and Learn 

Sound is vital in CSGO can help us predict the position of our enemies and allow us to act faster than them. One can even know what weapons opponents possess by hearing all the audio cues made during the game. 

You can start by differentiating various sounds you observe in a game. It is important to understand what our enemies are trying to do.

 If you predict their movements, your chances of winning the games rise significantly. We also recommend that you go with good headsets to keep a track of everything. It is worth going for if you are looking to enhance your skills. 

Communication is everything 

In CSGO, you are not supposed to charge down your opponents and get killed. CSGO is more of a teamwork game where communicating with your team is vital. You rely on your teammates for crucial information, which is passed on to them.

This information can be used to your advantage, which would give your team hope of winning the rounds. The better your coordination with your teammates, the better strategies you can plan while communicating with them. 

You will need a decent microphone to communicate with your fellow soldiers. This would be worth it as it would ensure better planning, which would lead to increased chances of winning in the long run. 

Master Movement Skills 

A player’s movement can help you distinguish a professional from a rookie. Movement is one trait that people never fail to undervalue. It can help you when you are stuck in an awkward situation, like making a quick rotation or cutting down on timing to reach a particular spot.

upscale their movements, players can use the CSGO Surf feature, which allows them to improve their movements. Apart from this, there are various community maps designed by the CSGOommunity that may help you grab more skills, particularly in movement.

Optimizing Your CS: GO Settings 

This depends on an individual’s preference. Optimizing your CS: GO settings enables you to juice out your system to the greatest. It can also help you meet the highest FPS possible, which will improve your gaming experience by leaps and bounds. 

You should aim for settings that reduce your response time and allow you to make the most of it.

Higher FPS would help you give a better gaming experience, which would motivate you to sharpen your skills to enjoy the immersive performance that the game offers. 

If you are thinking of getting into competitive CSGO, customizing settings is the one to go for. It’s also astonishing to observe what a slight change in mouse sensitivity or tweaking your screen resolutions can do to your gaming journey.

There is a lot to keep in mind when we talk regarding this option. It mostly depends on individual preference. If you want the most out of your gaming rounds, tweak the settings according to your needs and requirements and you will soon see the results of the changes you made.


Once you incorporate these suggestions into your gameplay, you will find them extremely useful. You will soon find your skills sharpened in a short period of time. So practice these points, and soon you will be on your way to becoming the next upcoming CSGO champion.

Good Luck For That!!

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