5 Best Valorant Companion Apps Could Help You Improve Your Rank – Unlock Competition

Competitive gaming has become immensely popular among the gaming community. With an increased number of competitive titles every year, more gamers get attracted to this competitive world.

Valorant has been one of the highly competitive titles borrowing some traits from its contemporaries like CS: GO, Overwatch, and even League of Legends.

Professional Valorant players lay emphasis on every tiny detail and leave no stone unturned to shatter their limits and reach new heights in their competitive careers. 

They also use various stat trackers and companion apps to help them analyze their gameplays to assess the areas where the focus is required and have a proper insight into their gameplays. 

These tools are helpful in competitive gaming, as even a slight mistake can mean the difference between winning or chopping your head off.

In this article, we have discussed Valorant companion apps available in the market and how you can take advantage of them to ensure you get a tangible competitive advantage. 

So, without delaying it any longer, let’s jump straight into the article.

Also Checkout:- https://theusstuff.com/best-valorant-crosshair-settings-to-try-in-2024/

What is Valorant Stats Tracker and Companion App? 

Companion apps and stats trackers gained their popularity thanks to League of Legends. The application programming interface, commonly known as API, supplied valuable information about the players they will be competing against. 

The trend was soon popular and was presented for other competitive titles too. These apps helped the players enhance their skills and become better at the game, alongside taking them to higher ranks. 

Soon the players began rectifying the mistakes and focused on tiny details they overlooked in several situations. 

 Valorant Tracker, developed by the Tracker Network, seems to serve the same aim for Valorant professionals. It makes players familiar with the game’s core mechanics and shares tips and tricks, which prove helpful during tense situations.

With its simple interface, it’s easy to understand the trends and grab vital stats, which you can exploit to your own advantage. However, to get rid of ads, pay a small premium which is not a big deal if you think of becoming a valorant professional.

1. Blitz. gg 

If you dream of having all the vital stats in your grasp as a valorant player, Blitz tracker is here for you. Considered the best valorant stat tracker by many, Blitz.gg is full of stats related to various agents, maps, and weapons. 

To reap the benefits of it, you just need to download the app and run it during your valorant gameplay. It will also help you choose the best team composition on different maps if you struggle to find one. 

Apart from global stats, it also allows you to view your previous matches’ history along with the accuracy of your shots. This helps you compare how much you have improved in the recent rounds compared to previous ones.

Blitz also provides post-match analysis which you can use to pinpoint the mistakes you committed and learn from them. Some of its notable features include :

  • No Login Required.
  • Delivers personalized individual stats.

2. Tracker. gg 

Tracker. gg is another excellent stat tracker. It’s popular because of the general guides. If you discovered a weird combination that worked magically well for you, share it with the community. This will reward you with unique rewards for your profile. 

This makes it stand out from the rest of the stat trackers. You can also download it for mobile. This is something that you cannot get with many stat trackers. 

The tools also highlight your strengths and weaknesses, which you might assess to know which areas need more attention and which can play to your strengths. The following are some prominent features of this tracker.

  • Available on mobile as well as the PC platform.
  • Offers a variety of tips and tricks.

3. Dak. gg 

This tool helps you get a detailed insight into your matches while showcasing your win rates, average damage rates, kills, and other stats. However, it lacks several features other stat trackers like Tracker can provide successfully. 

It also does not portray the strengths and weaknesses, which might disappoint some users. The most promising feature offered is the agent composition.

 It provides a piece of detailed analytical information about agent compositions that have been most successful for a given map. 

The information on the server is updated regularly every 24 hours. Therefore, you can choose the latest meta composition as soon as it shows up in the gaming community. The things which distinguish this app from others are as follows. 

  • Detailed analysis of different agent combinations.
  • Suitable for beginners looking to learn and understand abilities in the game.

4. ValorantStats.xyz 

A stat tracker that prefers individual play style and helps you to exploit your skills to the fullest possible extent.

It shows your performance on every map, every agent composition you used or weapon you preferred, success rate, and accuracy.

It also pinpoints things you need to work on improving your responses. It’s advanced algorithm allows you to generate a detailed analysis report after each game you play, which acts as a medium for comparing your previous performances with that of recent ones. 

You can assess your gameplays and plan a strategy you can use to your advantage while playing to your strengths and working on your weaknesses. Following are a few features offered by valorant stats.

  • Real-Time detailed insight with winning probability prediction.
  • Understanding of maps and agents along with their abilities.

5. Overwolf 

If you play online multiplayer games, then there are high chances that you may have heard about this third-party app. With over a million downloads, it is one of the most popular apps used to gain information about valorant. 

They also interconnected it with Tracker. gg, which gives it an additional edge over the other contemporary apps. It also provides you with several tricks and tips that millions of people are using already. 

The real-time win predictor is also handy, as it predicts your chances of securing the win. It does drop behind when it comes to functionality. Still, it is a helpful tool to have in your arsenal. Following traits separate Overwolf from other tracking apps.

  • Tracker.gg integrated within it.
  • Helpful tips and tricks to incorporate into your gameplay.

Checkout:- https://www.overwolf.com/

1. Valorant Tracker 

Packed with an astronomical amount of stats, the valorant tracker is a popular recommendation by experts all around the globe. Nothing seems complicated to use, and stats are easily understandable if you know where to look for them. 

With over 2,00,000 downloads, it is popular among the valorant gaming community. The only thing the users miss is the real-time tracking feature, which proves helpful to many players to assess their winning chances on an ongoing round. 

It provides you with a graphical representation of the most important stats that can be game-changing in some cases. Agent-based tips and tricks are also good to have features, as these tricks can prove helpful when you are dealing with challenging situations. 

 2. Valorantics 

Valorantics is another app developed by Overwolf developers to lend a helping hand by providing crucial data to Valorant players. It provides the same features as other trackers, but in a visually appealing way. 

It does not believe in providing a customized experience for every individual; it focuses on providing general information related to the game. 

It is not productive and easy to use compared to a valorant tracker, which reflects the low number of downloads, roughly estimating around 30k. 

Buying the premium access worth $2 would allow you to use the app without ads. Moreover, it also unlocks some of every stats to facilitate your gaming experience. If you are looking for an app to provide you with general information regarding the game, then go with valorantics. 

All these features give an advantage to the player using it to a certain extent. As time goes on, it gets useful as you now grasp the tiny details and tips, which help you get past dangerous situations without getting torn into pieces. 

Can These Apps Give You a Competitive Edge? 

After learning about these apps, one question should definitively be popping inside your head. Are these apps worth using in competitive gaming?

The answer is yes, absolutely. These apps are pretty helpful and convey crucial information to the players, more valuable than gold in some cases. 

As it is rightly said, data is the new necessity. This data can help the players to achieve their goal of acting as fuel for their burning desire to be the best valorant professional out there. 

It is also important to point out that to succeed with the stats in your hands, you must use this data to your own advantage by formulating policies and strategies that play to your strengths.

If this wasn’t the case, people would just memorize the data and gaming would become a piece of cake. However, that is not the case here. 


Below we have answered some common questions people want to know regarding these apps. These answers will hopefully be able to remove the doubts you had in mind so that you focus on improving your skills.

1. What Stat Trackers Do? Positive Use in Valorant? 

Stat Trackers help you get valuable detailed insights that will help you analyze your games and point out the strength and weaknesses to give you a better idea of where your skills stand. 

You can use the information you gain through these apps to work on your weak points and get an edge over competitors, which plays a crucial role in competitive games like valorant. 

2. Does a Stat Tracker Help Improve Your Aiming Skills? 

Obviously, the answer is no. Stat trackers provide you with information regarding critical points. It is up to you to exploit this information and improve your aim by studying your aiming details, like precision, the main target area, etc. 

If you are looking to improve your aiming skills, you can consider using aim practice tools like AimLab, built to improve your aiming abilities. 

3. Can I Get Banned for Using Stat Trackers? 

The most common questions encountered after knowing about these apps. Don’t stress out, as the answer is no. Stat Trackers are third-party-based applications that generally run on browsers. They do not hinder or provide interference with your gameplay. 

Several Trackers also have their own applications. You need to download and run simultaneously with your game to collect insights. 

However, make sure that the app you prefer does not comply with the game’s policies. If it does, then the chances of you getting banned rise exponentially.

Our Final Verdict 

Most of the stat tracking and valorant companion apps have failed to make a positive impact in the gaming community. Riot’s application program interface is posing several problems to the third-party apps accessing the game data.

To counter this issue, make sure you log in frequently to your in-game account.  

There’s always a risk of getting banned if using third-party apps, which games rarely approve. Developers design games in a way that if the games get influenced by other apps, it fails to work or causes glitches, which you don’t want to see, especially in competitive gaming.

But you don’t have to worry about all this. The stat trackers we have listed are all under RIOT’s gaming policies and would not result in a ban if you use them.

If you don’t use any of the above-suggested apps, make sure that it is compatible with the game you want to gather information about else, you might expose yourself to the risk of getting banned.

So what are you waiting for?

Start using these apps and enhance your gaming experience in the competitive world. We hope you liked the article. 

Keep Clashing!!

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