9 Best skills in Saint Row to Unlock and Equip fast (2024)

Saint Row series is back with its rebooted version and the fifth installation following Saints Row IV. It is an action-packed adventure-loaded series developed by Deep Silver Volition. The latest reboot has made several changes to the game. 

One change that has been a hot topic for the gaming community has been the introduction of skills that can be used to enhance the user experience. While some skills intend to boost survivability and effectiveness, some need to be manually activated to cater to the different needs of players.

In this article, we will discuss some of the best skills that will prove to be helpful in improving your gameplay experience. 

So, without waiting, let us dive straight into the article. 

Read more about Saints Row:- https://theusstuff.com/9-best-weapons-to-use-in-saints-row/

9 Saints Row Best weapons and How to Get them

Best Skills to Use Faster 

Skills in Saint Rows can be unlocked one at a time through leveling up. These skills can be regarded as an upgrade that can affect the in-game character to deal with various challenges arising in the game. Below are some of the best skills to exploit in Saints Row. 

Pineapple Express (Saint Row)

Pineapple Express is one of the most crucial skills in Saint row. It unlocks at level 2, which makes it easier to avail. It allows you to put a grenade down your opponent’s pants and cast them away by an explosion when your rival lands. 

It is a handy skill to muster as it can be used to clear the crowds efficiently. However, it is also crucial to state that this skill will have no effect on the mini-bosses. Make sure to use it wisely to yield maximum results.

Players will require to practice this skill as there is no manual aim associated with locking the grenade on target. It would also cost one flow point to execute the skill. 

Tough Mother 

Next on our list is a skill that grants additional protection via means of temporary armor. This can be recognized with the help of a yellow health bar that allows them to bear additional damage, making them immune to staggers and other petty attacks. 

The skill can be unlocked at level 6 and is helpful in situations where players find their primary health running low. Players would be required to spend two flow points to use this skill. 

Proximity Mine 

As the name suggests, Proximity mine would help you deal with enemies approaching you. The skill unlocks at level 4 and tosses out a sticky mine that will detonate when your enemies are close to you. The damage inflicted by the mine can deal heavy damage to the opponents approaching and can come in handy in times of close combat. 

However, the skill would cost you one skill bar and can inflict damage to the player itself if you are close to the mine. Therefore, this skill should be used wisely to avoid any issues that can disrupt your gaming experience. 


Sometimes in Saint Row, players find themselves stuck in difficult situations from which retreating seems the most ideal option. Smokescreen helps to provide you with valuable time to retreat and reformulate your plan of action. The skill unlocks at level 3 and is one of the handiest skills to unlock in Saints Row. 

Smokescreen is used to distract your enemies. Once used, the player would drop a smoke bomb at your feet that will confuse your enemies, giving you the time to retreat and gain an upper hand on your enemies. 

This is helpful when players have suffered considerable damage and want to regain their health for handling their opponents. It is also an ideal option to consider when you do not wish to engage in a fight with your enemies. 

Flaming Punch 

A flaming punch allows the player to throw a fiery fire punch inflicting a heavy amount of damage to their rivals. However, it is also crucial to state that using a flaming punch will not set your enemies ablaze.

It is most effective on regular enemies as it has the potential to kill them in a single blow. However, as for the armored enemies, a punch can send them flying to the ground, giving you enough time to inflict further damage on them.

Flaming punch is also one of the best ways to deal with enemies, with a yellow health bar implying additional health. The skill will cost you a single flow diamond which is also an added benefit as you will be able to pack these punches constantly. 

Impulse Trap 

Next on our list is a skill that is unlocked at level 13 in saint row. Impulse trap is another handy skill to have in Saints Row. It allows you to throw an anti-gravity device that has the potential to lift up your rivals in the air. 

This makes them vulnerable to a quick attack that would take care of them without any tussle. This skill proves to be effective when you wish to deal with your enemies quickly. 

For new players, it would take a while to unlock this skill. However, you will not regret it as it can save you from the most intense situations by eliminating your enemies quickly. So, if you find yourself surrounded by a large number of enemies, Impulse Trap would be the ideal way to go.

D4th Blossom 

Read more: https://saintsrow.fandom.com/wiki/D4TH_Blossom

D4th Blossom is one of the most exciting skills introduced by developers. It allows your in-game character to spin around and shoot a volley of bullets in 360 degrees. This skill can prove helpful in several situations, including one where you wish to clear out the crowd or avoid close combat with the enemies. 

If you found yourself surrounded by enemies from all sides, performing a D4th Blossom would save you from them and allow you to inflict heavy damage to them that will give you an edge and will enhance your gameplay experience by leaps and bounds. 

However, the only downside of using the skill is the cost associated with its usage. Using a D4th Blossom would cost you three flow points. Hence, it should be used wisely and in situations demanding a powerful and witty response from your side. 


Next on our list is another effective skill that can prove handy in several situations. Intercession skill spawns two saints to assist you in critical phases in the game. The two saints sent for your assistance come armed with weapons and will help you to deal with enemies. 

However, they are not permanent, so do not expect them to linger around with you all day. They can also be used to create a diversion allowing you to gain some time to deal with your enemies. The skill requires you to shed two flow points. 

The value provided by these skills justifies the cost of two flow points, making it one of the best skills to unlock and acquire in the game. There is no harm in having additional assistance in dealing with your enemies. 


Last but not least is a skill that can make dealing with your enemies seem like a piece of cake. If you like using melee weapons to attack or inflict damage on your enemies, Berkeser will help you attain your objective without any trouble. 

Berkerser allows you to boost your abilities related to melee combat skills. This boost is noticeable and allows one to deal with a group of enemies without much effort. 

Activating the Berkerser skill in Saints Row would equip you with the ability to swing your way across enemies or groups of enemies. It takes only one or two vital hits to deal with any kind of foe waiting to crush you. 

Another advantage of this skill is that you would not have much trouble dealing with armored enemies. The only downside of this skill is the duration to which it lasts. Berserker mode does not last for a very long period. Therefore, make sure to deal with your opponents quickly before the effect of the skill wears out. 

We would suggest you practice the berserker mode for maximum results. As the effect does not last long, precision would help you deal with more opponents in a short period. 


Skills in Saints Row 2024 are an exciting addition to the game that has grabbed the attention of players around the gaming community. Through the introduction of a skill tree in the game, the developers have provided aid to the players in conquering the storyline to improve their gameplay experience. 

These skills prove helpful in critical situations and can help players deal with the challenges introduced in the game. 

Some skills like Intercession would take some time to unlock, while some like Pineapple Express can be unleashed in the initial or early phases of the game. It would also be interesting to see what new skills will be introduced by the developers in the future to improve the game. 

We hope you liked the article. 

Keep Clashing!

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