Valorant Neon Guide – 8 Best Tips And Tricks To Play As Agent

valorant neon

Best Valorant Neon Guide with Tips and Tricks!!!

Recruited in Valorant Protocol with the motive of replicating Alpha – Omega teleporter, “Neon” accepted the position as their 19th agent. She started by assisting Killijoy in building a portal, establishing a secure connection, and allowing VP to reach EARTH-2.  

Neon is a crucial player in Valorant with her electricity-based speeding abilities. She could run around other agents and look poised to take on JETT, another movement-based agent part of meta from the past year.

Everything will change once Neon finds her, one way or another. One thing’s for sure: you will have to keep up with its blistering pace, which we will discuss later in our article. 

You might also like the Valorant neon booster, which is a safe way of boosting your account with the help of several radiant professionals all around the globe. So without any further ado, let’s dive straight into the article. 

Neon Story And Background in Valorant

Neon is a soldier recruited from Manilla in the Philippines. She, too, is radiant, like many of her fellow teammates. She is also one of the youngest agents to be a part of the Valorant Roster and is famous for her duelist kit.

She received her superhuman abilities during the FIRST LIGHT EVENT, making her insanely powerful. The ability result from exposure to RADIANITE, a mysterious material often linked to dark matter. 

Valorant Neon can summon static dense walls of electricity, creating bolts. This equips Neon with extra speed, which is an added advantage. Her reason to join the Taskforce is still unclear. 

However, one thing is for sure: she would do everything in her abilities to protect the earth from dangerous radianite incidents.  

Read more about Valorant:

Top Tricks for Valorant Neon 

  1. Ultimate Doesn’t Have Headshot 

Valorant Neon does not have an advantage when it comes to damaging the masses. It does not have headshot damage, unlike other damage-based ultimates. However, the damage inflicted by overdrive is worth mentioning. Neon rules over its contemporaries with body shots. 

You can exploit this ability by catching your enemies off guard with the help of High Gear if it comes to securing angles. Properly incorporate it, and you can have an easy kill beside your name.

 As Overdrive and High Gear recharge after every kill, you must master this combo early as possible to give you an edge over your rivals. 

2. Overdrive Zaps Enemies Into Oblivion 

We often see that one who uses a more powerful attack ASAP wins the duels. Here the queen of speeds Valorant NEON comes to play. Neon unleashes its full-powered lightning beam with high movement precision. The charges to reset after you make a kill.

The only drawback is its damage falloff with 40- a bullet spread. At close range, it takes six shots to kill an enemy, which goes up to 15 shots for long-ranged targets.

However, it gets recharged after each kill so it can be a good option during gunfights. 

3. Slide For Quick Loadouts 

Loadouts are tricky in valorant as weapon switching can determine who lives to tell the tale after a gunfight.

High Gear proves useful for NEON as it becomes easy to switch locations and weapons during a fight. It also allows you to slide your way toward hard angles, which can help you escape firefights. 

When you slide, the sprint ends, and you immediately pull out your weapon, though not necessarily the primary one. The weapon pulled out will be the one you used before sprinting. 

Thus, you can set whatever weapon you prefer if you are thinking of engaging in a firefight. 

4. High Gear Ensures Zone Domination 

The agent who controls more ground has a significant advantage in firefights. Area control becomes crucial. Charging High Gear allows you to call an electric slide with alternate fire. It resets with every two kills you make. 

However, one should not use it carelessly. Speed up movement comes with a unique sound that exposes you to enemies and they expect you to arrive with your neon gun. High-Gear is a tempting move to make, and players would benefit from it in fights with guaranteed odds. 

It is also possible to steal a kill, as Neon can recharge High Gear quickly with two kills. 

5. Relay Boult Redeems The Bounce 

In valorant, Neon grenades can be a good option if you want to distract your enemies in combat. The relay bolt enhances this feature with the addition of physics to it. 

Relay Bolt is highly effective when positioned and timed right. One can practice predicting where it will fall off bouncing to maximize the damage caused by it. 

It allows you to secure sites when used with proper team composition. it is also important to point out that the concoction effect would last for a few seconds, which is enough to pull the battle in your team’s favor.

6. Relay Bolt Punishes The Competition 

Widely regarded as a visually appealing item, the concuss effect can be a game-changer in a tough matchup. A relay bolt is an energy blast that bounces on the surface before charging with a colossal explosion with a similar effect. 

Neon can carry up to two relay bolts, which means it can stun four potential surfaces. Try to hit the mid-ground to aim for people directly above and below it. 

It is also helpful in penetrating the defenses and damaging people taking cover behind walls. 

7. Fast Lane Is An Easy Blocker

Valorant Neon also possesses a nifty blocker as a fast lane, which costs 300 creds. It summons two energy lines rising into static walls. They do a tiny amount of damage to other characters and block their vision. 

It is also important to point out that the fast lane damages both allies and enemies. Therefore, use it wisely to ensure that your team doesn’t get caught in it. 

It can prove helpful when trying to gain access to enemies’ territories. These discourage enemies from taking on a direct flight with Neon. 

8. Get Into the Heart Of The Action 

Neon grabs all the attention it can seek with her Valorant neon abilities, which gives her the freedom to explore areas and take on firefights. Neon players get motivated to engage in action-packed fights and get away quickly whenever necessary. 

With fast lane ability, it can block the sight of enemies. While a relay bolt can destroy the formation of enemies, giving your team a chance to fight back. Lastly, overdrive guarantees a kill when you aim for a retreating enemy. This is an excellent way to boost your valorant neon abilities.

Neon Abilities

Now let’s discuss some of the valorant neon abilities that might come in handy. 

1. Fast Lane – C 

Fast Lane resembles the wall from phoenix with a few differences. As you already know, NEON can activate two walls in front of her whenever required to deal with enemies on either side. Here are some key points to keep in mind. 

  • Lasts 6 seconds
  • Not curved like a phoenix
  • They cannot regenerate your health.
  • Costs 300 credits,1 charge around

Try to use this valorant neon ability to block the side your enemies are trying to get. You can also try to block both sides while you try to plant the spike.

 The walls can do up to 170 damage during the entire duration, including some objects like Sova’s Drone, Cypher’s Camera, and Syke’s Dog. However, it is harmless to killjoy ultimate her gadgets.

2. Relay Bolt – Q 

Regarded as Neon’s version of a grenade, the relay bolt does not blind you but stuns you. Once you throw the bolt, it bounces from the first obstacle and hits the floor while your enemies remain stunned. Here are a few things to keep in mind regarding a relay bolt. 

  • You can stun even yourself along with your teammates.
  • You can even stun an enemy hidden behind the wall.
  • Costs 200 credits, 2 Charges 

Relay bolt affects the area of the effect circle and hit anyone on the side, even yourself, so be careful and use extreme caution when using this valorant neon ability as it might do more harm to you than to your enemies.

3. High Gear – E 

It gives valorant neon a speed boost that requires energy and can be used again once it recharges. Pressing the right click would allow you to do a slide that can be put to use again after two kills. Here are a few key points to note: 

  • Free Ability
  • We cannot cancel once we make a slide.
  • One cannot shoot during the sprint once the slide ends. Your last weapon will be out to use. 

High Gear makes you run 35% faster, making it a good choice when making quick rotations. Because of some reason, it functions as Viper’s toxic gas existing on the regenerating meter at the bottom of the screen.

4. Overdrive – X 

Overdrive is also a speed-boosting valorant neon ability with the addition of an electrical storm waiting to wreak havoc upon the enemies. We generate an electrical storm from the fingers without worrying about reloading or ammo. 

Duration refreshes with every kill you make. Below are some crucial tips to know before using Overdrive. 

  • You can pre-fire around corners, as there is unlimited ammo without reloading.
  • You cannot shoot while sprinting.
  • Once your slide ends, it will auto-select your last weapon.
  • Every kill replenishes the fuel bar by a quarter.

Neon will receive 40 bullets for the electricity beam, which will recharge after you stop firing for a while. If you run out of ammo, you will see a small animation to show it. Try not to run out of ammo, especially during a fight.

There are no exceptions to this ability. It will do the same damage to your opponents continuously whenever you strike an opponent.


If you are a duelist and a great fragger, start your site with a 

E ability. Try to cover your one side while pushing forward in the areas where you would find enemies. It is better to push diagonally to ensure they inflict no damage on you. 

It is also a great option when using it as a defense. It can slow down your enemies while forcing them to pass through the wall where you wait to inflict heavy damage on them in case: they decide to come bravely sneaking around.

We can put the stun ability to use by bouncing a ball between two opposite walls on a passage to create a barrier restricting the enemy’s movement. They can also be stunned while they are defending a site behind covers.

Try to exploit your sprinting valorant neon qualities to make quick rotations to catch your enemies by surprise. 

Weapon Loadout 

Because of neon’s nature along with her speed duelist fragger, we would suggest that you go with a Phantom instead of a Vandal. If you cannot lay your hands on phantom, then Spectre and Burky are also excellent alternatives.

Short-range weapons, which are compatible with valorant neon, are an excellent combination to have. You will engage in close combat firefights without having to worry. 

Agent Synergy 

Valorant neon ability requires teamwork and therefore it is crucial to choose the best partner in the game, which will lead to victory. If you fail to do so, the consequences can be ghastly. 

Viper is a good option to go with because of the poison cloud’s ability and smokescreen which can obscure a sizeable portion of the map. Syke and Phoenix are also a good choice, as their flashes work great with entry fragging. 


So this was all about valorant neon abilities. It looks as if they introduced it to give an alternative to people playing with Jett. The Relay bolts and fast lanes point out that neon still has a long way to go in order to control space successfully. 

Hope you enjoyed reading this article and now that you know everything about Valorant NEON, go out there and give Jett players a run for their money by taking over the server as a speedy beast. 

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