Best Ways to Improve Typing Speed and Accuracy 2024

Typing Speed can play a crucial role in improving overall user productivity. Having a higher typing speed can help you save time and effort. However, improving your typing speed does not imply clicking unnecessarily on the keyboard.

Improving the typing speed requires the user to focus on accuracy, which is beneficial in the long run. With the ideal blend of speed and accuracy, users will perform tasks related to computing easily with no tussle. 

An ideal WPM ranges from anywhere around 35-40WPM. In the article, we will discuss how you can improve your typing speed and accuracy for a better experience. 

So, let us get started. 

Why Typing Skills Important? 

With the ever-evolving growth in information technology, the dependence on computing has increased significantly. From gaming to the corporate world, fast typing is one of the necessities to facilitate an efficient environment. 

Typing skills help to fasten the functioning related to the other activities that require input by the user. Faster typing skills also contribute to enhancing your reflexes, which can be helpful for other means as gaming. 

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Tips for Improving Your Typing Speed & Accuracy 

If you wish to sharpen your typing speed and accuracy, the below-stated points will help you cater to your needs. 

1. Find a comfortable position for your hands 

The positioning of the hands-on keyboard should be based on the comfort of the user. Users should place their left-hand fingers on ASDF and right-hand fingers on JKL: This positioning will help them reach all the keys in the keyboard within a brief span, allowing them to boost their typing speed. 

2. Maintain good posture 

Although maintaining a good posture for improving typing sounds trivial, it is crucial and can make a difference when boosting your typing speed. While typing, users should always opt for a desk and chair setup. Ensure that your wrists do not touch the base of the desk.

Although you will endure slight pain when typing for long sessions using this posture. However, it would be beneficial in the long run when muscle memory kicks in. 

3. Go slow 

You cannot become a fast typing professional within a single day. It requires constant practice and patience. Users will need to work on their accuracy in the initial phase before focusing on speed. Try to slow down the process and memorize the positioning of the keys during the process for better results. 

4. Set goals 

Setting goals or objectives related to typing speeds can also help you to improve your typing speed and accuracy. Setting goals helps you to measure the milestones attained in the process and can help you push your typing speed within the specified period.

Set the objectives and execute them to perfection to see the improvement in typing speeds with accuracy.

5. Touch Typing 

Touch Typing is one of the most prominent techniques adopted to boost typing speed. It implies the concept of dedicating a separate finger for a limited set of keys to the keyboard. Touch Typing allows you to save time and attain higher typing speeds owing to it. 

Touch Typing requires the users to rely on their muscle memory for the positioning of fingers and typing without looking at the keys. Practice touch typing, and you will notice an improvement in typing speeds that will enhance your user experience. 

6. Perfect practice 

Once the muscle memory gets kicked in, you will need more and more practice to master the art of typing. More practice you indulge in, the more accurate and quick your typing speed will be.

Practicing regularly also helps to attain a higher command over handling keys on the keyboard, which is beneficial for the user. If you are a beginner and wish to improve your typing speed, it is better to focus on accuracy in the initial phase. 

Once you get used to the placement of the keys, you can try typing at higher speeds and repeat the process for constant improvement. 

7. Try not to look at the keyboard 

Trying not to look at the keyboard while typing helps you to develop muscle memory, which helps you to use the keyboard more efficiently and at a higher typing pace. Trying to type without looking at the keyboard will be difficult initially. 

However, once you get used to it, you will be able to type much faster compared to what you would type while seeing the keyboard. It is one of the most crucial elements to improve your typing speed and cannot be avoided under any circumstance. 

8. Fingers motion 

The motion of fingers must be in tandem or in accordance to boost the productivity of the user. Your fingers should slide on their own at times of switching to a different key and navigate back to the rest positioning. 

Users will have to perfect their finger motion using thorough practice if they wish to improve their user experience through fast typing speeds. Users also need to minimize the stress on elbows and hands for better results.

Avoid Typing Errors For typing 

Sometimes users type so fast that they do not keep track of the errors in the typed content. In such cases, users will have to go back and rectify their mistakes, which consumes time. Therefore, you should avoid typing errors to save time and enhance productivity. 

We discussed some common mistakes related to typing as follows. 

1. Incorrect Finger Position 

Users tend to type wrong data when they fail to align themselves based on the resting position of the hands, as discussed, ASDF for the left hand while JKL: for the right hand. 

If you regularly make typing errors because of the positioning of the keys, try to slow down the process and focus on accuracy. It also implies that you have not developed muscle memory about the key positioning. Therefore, practice it again for better results. 

2. Looking at the keyboard while typing 

Looking at the keyboard while typing hinders the fast typing speeds and contributes to various errors in typing, which consumes time when corrected. Try to avoid looking at the keyboard as much as possible to avoid typing errors and enhance efficiency. 

3. Reliability on Spell Check apps 

Sometimes, users tend to rely on spell-checking apps and ignore them to focus on correct typing techniques, which results in typing mistakes hindering the user experience. 

Many spell-checking apps do not detect some typing mistakes, which can lead to inaccurate typing. If you are a beginner, disable the spellcheck apps and try typing without them to improve accuracy and speed beneficial in the long run. 

4. Distractions while Typing 

Typing is one activity where users require the utmost focus to deliver the best results. If you are focused on other aspects, you might indulge in various typing mistakes that will hinder your user experience. 

Therefore, focus on the typing content to reduce the typing errors related to the content. 

5. Focusing only on speed 

Some users are so focused on the typing speeds they forget to focus on accuracy. On the contrary, the correction of the mistake consumes more time and effort, which were focused on typing at rapid rates. 

Users should strike the ideal balance between speed and accuracy to create the perfect blend to enhance their user experience. Therefore, take time and focus on typing accurately at a slow pace compared to committing mistakes at higher speeds.  

What is the best typing position? 

The best typing position for the user is to put elbows at a right angle or 90 degrees. Try to keep the stress on your hands as minimal as possible. Avoid putting your hands on the desk while typing, and maintain the proper posture for efficient results. 


1. What is the fastest typing style?

The touch Typing technique is one of the fastest typing styles, which can be adapted by an individual to improve the typing speed. The technique relies on muscle memory to retain the positioning of distinct keys in the keyboard and act accordingly. 

2. How many hours a day should you practice typing?

The answer varies according to each individual. If you are a beginner and have difficulty with typing techniques, practice 3-4 hours daily to develop muscle memory for gaining higher speeds in typing. It also helps in improving accuracy by minimizing typing errors. 

Final Words

These were all the tricks that you need to follow to improve your typing speed and accuracy. Not looking at the keyboard and developing muscle memory to remember the key positioning are some best ways to improve the typing experience. 

Faster typing speeds help to save time and improve the product experience of the user. To ensure no mistakes while typing at higher speeds, users need to practice as much as they can to sharpen their typing skills without any inaccuracies. 

You can navigate to : for some practice sessions.

We hope you liked the article. 

Keep Clashing!

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