Minecraft – Best Ways to Make a Compass in 2024


Compass in Minecraft plays a significant role in providing accurate direction when combined with the information derived from various coordinates. It is always helpful to have a compass to provide valuable insights into a specific point. 

By utilizing the crafting recipe of maps, you can successfully create a compass in Minecraft. They help beginners in the game to explore new areas and places in their gaming world.

In today’s article, We will provide you with all the information you need to craft a compass in Minecraft. So, without waiting any further, let us dive straight into the article. 

Make Crafting Table 

The first element that goes into making a compass is a crafting table. You need to collect or accumulate some wooden logs and convert them into wooden planks to create a crafting table. 

To convert the wooden logs into wooden planks, place the logs into the slots available in the survival inventory table. After a successful conversion, you will be able to carve a crafting table. Also Check Out:-  https://theusstuff.com/how-to-get-more-fps-in-minecraft/

Craft Pickaxe (Resource Hunting in Minecraft)

The primary intent behind carving a crafting table is to make a pickaxe, which will gain cobblestone pieces. Cobblestone pieces are required to build a furnace. Start out by making sticks to construct a handle for use. You can use the crafting table to make sticks for the handle.

You need to place two wooden planks on top of each other on the left or right side of the square to carve sticks. With the help of the crafting table, place the wooden planks on top of the sticks under the middle plank.

This will create a pickaxe which you can use to carve a furnace for our compass. 

Mine Cobblestone 

Minecraft does not allow you to craft or use a furnace to get cobblestone. You need to gather cobblestone manually. Locate any stone block and use your crafted pickaxe to dig up the block of stone. 

Using your hands or any other tool to grab cobblestone would be a failed attempt as you cannot add them to your inventory. You need to continue digging until you see the cobblestone blocks floating on the ground. It is also crucial to gather the cobblestone before they vanish. 

Once you gain cobblestone, it will be reflected in the hot-bar menu. 

Make a Furnace 

To construct a furnace in Minecraft, you need to collect 8 blocks of cobblestone and place them around the boundary of the crafting table while leaving the middlebox. 

Once you create a furnace, you will be able to convert your mined minerals into ingots and any other elements which are vital for survival. It plays a crucial role in making a compass, as smelting of iron ore would not be possible without a furnace. 

The compass building process will not be possible in the absence of a furnace. Thus, it is recommended to prioritize crafting a furnace to speed up other crafting activities. 

Mine Coal, Iron, and Redstone 

To mine iron and coal, you need to carve out a stone pick ax. You can follow the same recipe as we used in creating a cobblestone pickaxe. However, you need to change wooden planks with cobblestone. 

It is also vital to state that we commonly find coal blocks near caves or cliff sides. Once you collect an adequate amount of coal, search for iron. Iron blocks are found in Minecraft, particularly near the surface of caves. 

Once you gain 7 blocks of iron, smelt them using the furnace we crafted earlier. The furnace will smelt the blocks into ingots. 

Compasses are not available to you at the start of the game. The reason is that it requires Redstone. To gain Redstone, you need to take the help of an iron pickaxe. This is only available to you once you progress from a wooden pickaxe and then to a stone pickaxe. 

To craft an iron pickaxe, follow the same procedure we discussed earlier, replacing the top row with iron ingots crafted from a furnace with the help of smelting. Once you craft an iron pickaxe, search for Redstone. 

Redstone is available in sufficient quantity in the Minecraft world, so you would have no problem gathering them into your inventory. Try mining in ravines at the right levels to gain Redstone with no tussle. 

You also need to collect Redstone dust to complete your item list for building a compass. 

Make Iron Ingots 

Iron ingots can be obtained easily by smelting the iron using the furnace. Smelting the iron blocks would convert the iron into iron ingots. Fill the top slot of the furnace with iron blocks collected by you, followed by a fuel of your choice in the bottom section. 

Once the process is completed, you can collect the iron ingots and store them in your inventory. 

You can use the iron ingots to complete your compass-building journey. They are also useful in creating iron pickaxes that are used to get Redstone in the Minecraft world. 

Make Compass 

To complete the compass crafting process, start by opening the crafting menu. Making a compass requires you to place the iron ingots in a diamond-like shape. You need to place the Redstone block in the middle of the diamond-shaped structure to craft the compass. 

Once the compass has been crafted, you can move it to inventory to save it for future use. This is crucial to safeguard your process of compass making. They will help identify the right direction, which will provide you with an enhanced experience in the random world of Minecraft.


Compasses are very useful tools that help in reaching accurate locations without worrying about getting lost. You can use them to find your way back to your home in the gaming world. 

Remember the direction in which your house is located, and you will be able to sneak back into your home with no trouble. You can also use the compass to make your own maps, which is a fun addition to the game. 

We hope that after reading the article, you will be able to craft a compass with no issues. 

Keep Clashing!

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