Best Ways to Fix Tozo Earbuds One Side Not Working 2024

Many of you may not have heard of a growing brand, Tozo, that provides quality headphones at reasonable prices. However, the main issue related to audio gadgets is durability. Similar to other manufacturers, Tozo has also received criticism for its earbud malfunction. 

No one wishes to opt for a side-working earbud. It hinders the user experience and compels them to switch to a newer audio set for a productive experience. However, if you do not wish to swap your Tozo earbuds, you have arrived at the right article. 

In this article, we will discuss methods that fix Tozo earbuds with one side malfunction issue. 

So without waiting, let us get started. 

Also Checkout:

Reasons why One Earbud isn’t Working 

There are several reasons associated with the issues of the malfunction of one earbud. We listed some reasons as follows. 

1. Water damage 

One of the most common reasons hindering your sound experience with earbuds is the earbuds malfunction caused due to water damage. 

Water entered through the audio holes can cause the earbuds to malfunction, which will disrupt the user experience. To counter this, avoid putting the earbuds near any wet surface or water to prevent water damage.

 2. There is a sound settings issue 

It may be possible that one earbud may malfunction because of the wrong audio settings. Therefore, in such a case, it is ideal to tweak your sound settings for a hassle-free experience. 

Sound balance is one of the prominent reasons for this issue. We recommend it to check your audio settings for the ideal sound balance.

3. Earbuds are dirty 

Dust particles can seep into the deep corners of the earbuds, which leads to issues related to the earbuds. To avoid this frustrating problem, it is better to clean your Tozo earbuds carefully at regular intervals to prevent the settling of dust. 

As for the cleaning process, you can use any dry cloth to clean off the buds for a better sound experience. 

4. Wiring is loose or cut 

After a long duration of intense use, the wiring of the earbuds becomes loose or cut, it causes audio issues and damaging the functioning of the earbuds. Look for any signs relating to the loose wiring or any cuts. If your wiring is too detrimental, upgrade to a new audio set for a better experience.  

5. Faulty sockets or jack 

Another common reason for the Tobo earbuds issue is the faulty sockets or jack caused by dirt accumulation. Another method to try out the technique is to try pairing up the earbuds with another device. If the wired device performs with no issues with the other device, clean up the jack area to resolve the earbuds issue. 

Fix: Tozo Earbuds One Side Not Working 

1. Reset Tozo earbuds in their default settings

Restoring the audio settings of the Tozo earbuds to the initial setting or the default setting is one of the best ways to fix the one-side malfunction issue about the software problem. Follow the steps to restore the Tozo earbuds in their default settings. 

  • Disconnect the Tozo earbuds from the last connected device to initiate the process. 
  • Remove the earbuds from their charging peripherals, hold down the buttons and continue pressing them for 10 seconds. 
  • Once done, a flashing blink would imply that the process to restore the settings has been successful. 

This method is only applicable to wireless earbuds manufactured by Tozo. However, as for the wired earbuds, you will have to rest the earbuds settings using the phone audio settings. 

2. Update the software and drivers 

Updating the software related to the audio drivers of the Tozo earbuds also helps to rectify the issue of the one-side malfunction of the earbuds. Using outdated software with audio drivers might hinder your audio experience. 

3. Clean the headphone jack 

Earbuds are prone to intense sessions, whether it is an outdoor session or any other harsh situation. These intense sessions accumulate dust particles over a period, which might disrupt the audio experience of the user. To avoid it, it is better to clean the headphone jack using a pointed tip to remove the dust particles and enhance the audio functioning in the Tozo earbuds. 

4. Try to Connect Bluetooth to A New Device 

As for the Bluetooth version of the Tozo audio sets, the audio issue pertains because of the possibility of glitches and compatibility issues. To counter this issue, try using the Tozo earbuds with a new device to check the compatibility issues. 

Furthermore, you can also test out the audio related to the new device and compare the results. If you find any deviation in performance because of any issue, your device is not compatible with the Tozo earbuds. 

5. Possibly Dead Battery 

There may be a possibility that one end of the earbud is not working because of the battery drain or the discharge of the earbud. In such a case, try charging earbuds by putting them in the opposite position to enable the charging process. It can be visible via the flashing LED lights, which show charging. 

6. Check Your Sound Settings 

Different devices based on distinct platforms like android or iOS offer a variety of settings, which can be customized by the user to enhance the audio experience. However, sometimes these changes in settings affect the working of the Tozo earbuds and cause either of the working earbuds to malfunction, which causes frustration. 

To counter it, you should check the audio settings to ensure the ideal setup for audio. For instance, changing the audio settings from mono to stereo would be an ideal improvement. Furthermore, you should also look for audio balancing settings to further personalize and fix the one-side earbud malfunction issue. 

7. Try another pair of headphones 

There might be no issues with your Tozo earbud, but the fundamental problem lies with the device compatibility and hardware issues. The jack may be damaged or accumulated with dust particles, which is causing audio issues with the earbuds. 

To check this, users can switch and try out different headphones with their device to see if the issues have been resolved. If the issue has been resolved, there may be problems related to the earbuds. If not, then the device is not compatible with the Tozo earbuds. 

8. Make Sure It is Fully Charged 

Sometimes, the audio or one-side malfunction issue in Tozo earbuds arises out of battery issues. To counter it, make sure that the earbuds are fully charged before you engage in witnessing an audio experience.

We recommend using the original cable with Tozo earbuds for better performance and fast charging. Users can also try charging the device for 5-6 hours and plug in the earbuds to check if the issue has been resolved.

9. Troubleshoot TOZO T10 

Follow the given steps to troubleshoot the Tozo T10 earbuds. 

  • Press the power button for 10 seconds. 
  • Once done, release the button and press it thrice in quick succession. 
  • Once the LED lights flash, press the power button to restart the Tozo T10 earbuds.

It should fix the issue with your Tozo T10. If you still have trouble with the one-side earbud of the Tozo brand, let’s move on to the last suggestion featured on the list. 

10. Check For External Damage 

 Examine your Tozo earbuds for any signs of crack, dent, or other issues. If you find any problem related to the external appearance of the earbuds, you will have to seek help from an expert, which will assess the problem and rectify the issue. 

If you do not wish to engage in a such tussle, switching to a new earbud would be an ideal option. 

Tozo Earbud not playing sound – Try factory Reset 

Forced reset related to the Tozo earbuds helps to rectify the one-side earbud malfunction issue almost 90% of the time. Sometimes even the most premium audio sets are vulnerable to this issue, which causes audio issues in the earbuds. 

To avoid and rectify this issue using the factory reset method, follow the given steps. 

  •  Initiate the process by unpairing the audio set from the earbuds. 
  • Place the Tozo earbuds out of the charging case and press the button on each earbud for 10 seconds. 
  • Once the period expires, users will notice a LED flash. The blinking indicates that the process for resetting is complete.


1. How long do TOZO headphones last?

Tozo Headphones can last for over 6 hours in a single go. It makes them one of the best choices if you are on a budget and wish for a reliable audio set. 

2. How do you reset buds without the app?

Tozo earbuds can be reset manually using the button available on each earbud. Press the button for ten seconds and stop when the LED starts flashing. It will reset the earbuds without a tussle. 


These were some prominent ways to fix the one-side malfunction issue in Tozo earbuds. While any method featured in the list is ideal, the factory reset method and checking the battery seem easy and require little work. 

We hope you liked the article. 

Keep Clashing!

23 thoughts on “Best Ways to Fix Tozo Earbuds One Side Not Working 2024”

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