Minecraft Player Report System: 10 Best Facts Need To Know!!

Player Reporting System

Minecraft needs no introduction. The game has been a worldwide sensation and has been successful in capturing the hearts of every gamer belonging to the gaming community. 

The developers of the game Mojang have announced a new feature for the latest game version that allows you to report and complain about any violating messages during the gameplays or any other violent behavior while playing on multiplayer servers.  

The feature has already been introduced in the latest update, and gamers are questioning the exploiting nature of this powerful report system that would lead to accounts ban and much more. 

In today’s article, we will discuss the new Minecraft player report system. We will equip you with every detail you need to know about the system at the end of the article. 

So, without waiting any further, let us dive straight into the article.

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What We Know About New Minecraft Player Reporting Feature 

Mojang has taken the feedback and tried to carve out a new player report system that ensures the security of the players involved in the game. The chief aim of this newly introduced report system is to clear out the flow of misinformation. 

Mojang’s Involvement in Monitoring & Bans 

Here are some statements that have been officially made regarding the popular update. 

  • The developers would not be spectating any private chat or traffic on private java. 
  • Robots commonly referred to as bots, would not be used to scan the private servers for player reports.
  • Banned players would still be able to access the single-player modes. 

Reasons for player Reporting & Bans 

Now we will discuss the criteria and the reasons which lead to player bans. These reasons are enough to provide you with a one-way ticket for getting banned from where there is no return. 

Following are the reasons for player reporting and bans.

1. Imminent harm – Self-harm or suicide 

You can get banned or reported if you try to harm yourself in-game or threaten to harm them outside while talking with your teammates or other party involved. So try to ignore passing rude comments to players that may cost you your precious Minecraft account. 

2. Child sexual exploitation or abuse 

If you find someone on Minecraft promoting intolerant behavior against children, you can report the player using the new system, and his account will get banned. This is the case after various inspections by the reviewing team related to the game. 

3. Terrorism or violent extremism 

Suppose you find someone in the game threatening you with violent measures or promoting acts of terrorism. In that case, you can report the person, and the Minecraft team will take suitable action to deal with the toxic individual spreading hat through the means of Minecraft. 

4. Hate speech 

There are often some incidents found in the game when some players try to pass derogatory comments based on religion race or any other parameter which is sensitive to the individual.

In such cases, you can report the player for hate speech, and necessary action will be taken against the individual. 

5. Imminent harm – Threat to harm others 

If you find someone in the game who is threatening you or your teammates to cause damage to them in any case in real life or ruining your gameplay, you can report the player and get his account backed.

It is important to note that they will make an inquiry against your request and if he/they found her guilty only, further actions will be made against the concerned individual. 

6. Non-consensual intimate imagery 

There are often some players in the game who like to share private images which may be sensitive to the concerned individual. It is strongly against the rules and policies as stated by the game developers.

In such cases, the player can get banned after someone reports him to promote intimate imagery. 

7. Harassment or bullying 

If you find someone who is harming or bullying your teammates or yourself, you can report the whereabouts of the incident using the new Minecraft player report system to let the developers know about the culprit. 

Once the game developers finish their inquiry, they will take suitable actions, which can also lead to an account ban. Make sure you are friendly to others in the game and comply with the policies stated by the game developers.

8. Defamation, impersonation, false information 

Some players in the gameplay hide behind counterfeit names. They intend to take advantage of their hidden identity and defame the person concerned, which harms their goodwill. They also mislead others by providing false information during the gameplays, which is against the policies of the game Minecraft.

9. Drugs or alcohol 

If you find a person promoting the intake of drugs or alcohol or any other harmful substance while playing on the multiplayer server, you can report the player. Necessary actions will be taken against him if he is found violating the policies related to the game. 

Player Reporting in Minecraft: Java Edition 

Don’t Forget to Check out:- https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/addressing-player-chat-reporting-tool#:~:text=Player%20Reporting%20will%20be%20one,promoting%20healthy%20Minecraft%20online%20communities.

Now that you are aware of the reasons which may lead an individual to get banned from the game. It is now time to discuss the process of how you can report a player while playing Minecraft Java Edition. 

The main objective of introducing player reporting in the game is to eliminate the community from all aspects of harmful behavior which may affect their gameplay.

It is also crucial to state that no reports will be made automatically. Players will have to report the incident and the reviewing team will take suitable actions against the individual if found guilty.  

It is significant to preserve the creativity brewing in the gaming community. To ensure it, vital steps are to be taken. The player report system is one such initiative taken to preserve the unbias nature of the game and to allow the boost through fair means. 

Submitting a Player Report in Minecraft Java 

Follow the process to submit a player report in Minecraft Java Edition. 

  • Reporting section is visible with the help of the social interaction screen (the default keyword for popping it is P). You can also access the option by using the pause menu option. 
  • Now, it is time to select the chats that you found offensive. You also get the choice of selecting more than one chat that will be included in the report.
  • After selecting the chats violating the policies of Minecraft, it is now time to choose the category in which you want to report the concerned chat messages. 
  • You can also provide additional details to explain more about the incident. This would help in better understanding. 
  • Once the report is submitted, a team reviews the concerned chats and tries to understand the context behind the communication that has taken place. If the team finds it to be violating the rules and policies of Minecraft, the player account gets suspended. 

How the player report works 

We have tried to provide you a step-by-step guide to help you understand the process behind the player report. After learning about it you would be able to understand the entire algorithm behind the working of a player report system.

Following steps are undertaken while a player undergoes the process of the player report. 

  • The first step in the player report process is the complaint made through the system of chat reports. This allows you to select offending messages from your in-game chat. Select the category and provide additional details to back up the complaint. 
  • Once the complaint has been made, the report is sent to team Minecraft, who reviews the complaint to check if the chats violate the policies stated by the developers. This could take a while owing to the heavy traffics of Minecraft multiplayer servers. 
  • A moderator must review the reports and assess each element involved in the information provided by the individual. He is also responsible for ascertaining suitable action against the individual if he is found guilty and the chats are found to be violating the policies associated with the game. 
  • If action is undertaken by the moderator, the players’ account gets suspended from online gameplays for a limited period. We also found that they have banned permanently some accounts of players in a few cases owing to harmful content. 

Frequently Asked Questions

After knowing all the intrinsic details regarding the player ban system, your mind must have been popping with all sorts of questions.

Do not worry, we have answered some of the prominently asked questions regarding the player report system.

After reading these answers, you will be able to develop a clear image of the functionality of the player report system in Minecraft, and you will be able to enjoy the gameplay by being within the limits of the policy as enforced by the developers of the game Mojang. 

1. Why do players do abuse reporting? 

While the new player report system has been a boon for the gamers out there. Some players abuse the system by reporting random incidents or reporting players who have nothing to do with harmful content. 

This is wrong, and false reporting has its own repercussions. Therefore, it is ideal to complain about illicit activity rather than using this system for fun. Excessive reporting with no motive will also lead to actions that will affect your gameplay.  

2. Can I get banned from cussing or swearing? 

No, you would not get banned from cussing or swearing. However, we would not encourage this behavior. The thing that will lead to an account ban is Hate speech, explicit content, or harassing anyone while using the in-game chat. 

The punishment for these depends upon the seriousness and the severity of the incident. Therefore, Be polite and enjoy your gameplay to avoid getting banned on these parameters. 

3. Can I get banned for what I say in single-player?

As the name suggests, a single-player mode is only for yourself. The report feature is only available for online servers. Hence, you will not be banned for any action undertaken while using the single-player mode as it would harm no one sentiment. 

4. What does it mean to be “banned/suspended”? 

Getting banned would imply that you will be unable to access the multiplayer mode available in the game for a specified period. This would apply to all the versions of Minecraft. The period would depend upon the severity of the incident you have been reported for. 

In the case of older versions, they will state the reason for your ban at the time of screening for the multiplayer server. 

5. Can I appeal against banning? 

The game developers have ensured to provide an equal opportunity to state your case against the report made. Therefore, you are allowed to appeal the ban. You would have to fill out a form stating your point of view. 

Once you fill the details in the form righteously, they will allow a human investigator to review your case. If you are proven innocent, your account ban will be lifted, and you will be able to enjoy your gameplays. 

6. Are all bans permanent? 

The short answer for this is No. Every report is inspected thoroughly and the suspension or banning of the account depends upon the severity of the incident. Most of the bans incurred by the investigating team and temporary and are allotted for a specific period. 

Permanent bans are the ultimate verdict from where there is no coming back. Once your account gets banned permanently, you will not be able to access the multiplayer server to enjoy playing Minecraft online. 


All the above-stated information would be enough for you to understand the norms associated with the new player report system in Minecraft. With this new system, the developers have tried to promote a healthy environment, which contributes to the mutual growth of the game and the individual. 

We hope you liked the article. 

Keep Clashing!

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